Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Make Money From Your Blog: Part 2

OK, truth be told, the EzKode thing mentioned in the previous post isn't really working out for us. By way of example, one of our subscribers in La Jolla was erroneously billed $8,080.80 (which, curiously, happens to be a common RGB color code used in web page borders... but that's probably irrelevant).

Let's not dwell in the past. Technology moves quickly. Today we announce support for smartphone payments! Yes, now your mobile phone can remove money from your checking account. And that's part two of How to Make Money From Your Blog!

Just aim your mobile phone at this QR code and wait until you receive a call from us.

(If you see a rabbit, our system is busy.
Please continue to wait.)
Any Lithuanian Telecom phone equipped with the Eastern European mobile e-commerce standard PushCart will work.

Hmm... did you say you don't happen to own a Lithuanian Telecom phone? Don't worry, you can get one here:

We have an overwhelming inventory of compatible models:
Blackberry Demise
Blackberry Passé
Motorola Drain
Motorola Vexia
Samsung Burn Notice
Samsung Galaxy S9 (Gabon and Equatorial Guinea models only)
Samsung iClone
Samsung Litigia
Samsung Versionist 1.5, 2.0, 2.2, 2.33, and 7
Huawei Little Brother
Fisher-Price GiggleHertz aka Baby's First Phone!
LG LUG Series (includes the liftable LUGgage Tablet, the unusually affordable sLUG, and the room-warming pLUG It In Phone Workstation)
Apple iPhone 0.9 Beta
Apple Solid Block of Platinum (not an actual phone but nobody will say anything if you talk into it)
Nokia Sangria
Nokia Diaria
Nokia Imodia A-Dia
Nokia Taste
Microsoft Acquired Taste
Microsoft Anachron SharpWatch
Microsoft Crash (with KB39589329235, KB9538396511, and KB384743754 hotfixes)
Microsoft Exchange 2007 Handheld Server
Microsoft GoAway
Microsoft GoViral Social Media Phone with Peer-to-Peer Transmission
Microsoft LicenseToCall (for Small Medium-Sized to Medium Small-Sized Businesses with 23 to 37 Employees)
Microsoft PrietaryPro/PrietaryPro Professional
Microsoft PayPerWait
Microsoft Tox
Microsoft Zune for Talking
Microsoft Ohshitwejustannounceditanditsalreadyobsolete
Microsoft Noproblemwecanalwayssellittoouremployees
十二金龍 Twelve Golden Dragon Strange Flavor Phone Call

Have you ordered your "new" phone? Great!  You'll see that we already turned it on, along with the camera and microphone, using PushCart's ICU Technology. We have also verified your credit limit using the Near Field Communication chip in your credit card. Someone will be calling you shortly to discuss investment opportunities and How to Make Money From Your Blog!

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